З досвіду роботи


Позакласний захід для учнів початкової школи

“Funny Numbers”




Мета: сприяти актуалізвції мовного матеріалу, формуванню та розвитку мовленнєвих умінь та навичок, формувати ключові компетентності: здатність спілкуватися іноземною мовою, вільне володіння державною мовою, інформаційно-комунікаційну, математичну, соціальну, культурну; виховувати любов до навчання та розвивати творчі здібності учнів засобами іноземної мови, створювати почуття успіху; підвищувати інтерес до вивчення мови.


-        відео супровід;

-        аудіо супровід;

-        презентація;

-        флеш картки

-        мікрофон

-        Mr Tongue

-        ABC poster


T: Good afternoon, dear pupils!

Ps: Good afternoon!

T: Nice to see you again at our party.

Ps: Nice to see you too.

T: How’s life?

Ps: We’re good, we’re great, we’re wonderful ………...?

T: I’m OK, thanks. Let’s greet our friends!

T: Let’s meet Mr Tongue and name the letters and the sounds (ABC poster). Sing our ABC song.

T: Today you’ll take part in the English party, sing E. songs, chant, read, play games, do sums and have fun. Try and guess the topic of the party. Find out the right letters and put them into the empty cells. Use ABC poster: (on the board).



























T: Now, we know our topic. Let’s drill the numbers first.  

T: Well done! Look and listen to music. Where are we?

T: We are on an island with the pirates. (count and mime):

One little, two little, three little pirates,

Four little, five little, six little pirates,

Seven little, eight little, nine little pirates,

Ten little pirates on the ship!

Pirate 1:

One, two, three and four

We are dancing on the floor.

We are dancing on the floor.

Clap (4 times)

Pirate 2:

We are playing with the hands.

Look at our smiling faces.

Look at our smiling faces.

Clap (4 times)

Pirate 3:

We can jump the rope.

We can skate and ski.

We are strong and happy

As only children can happy be!

T: Welcome, dear pirates. Can we help you?

Pirate 4: Yes, you can. Help us with numbers, please. You can get coins for the help.

“Memory” game

T: Let’s name the numbers. (flash cards)

“Reading train”

T: Le’s see who is going to be on the train.

One, one, one, little dog fun.

Two, two, two, cats see you.

Three, three, three, birds in the tree.

Four, four, four, rats on the floor.

T: Read the words when the music stops. (reading flash cards on the whiteboard)  

“Doing sums”

T: Watch and do sums.

“At the zoo”

T: Look around to be ready to travel. How many windows/teachers/lamps … can you see? Now you are ready to go to the zoo and count the dangerous animals. Watch a video and count.

“Playtime Island chant”

T: Let’s listen and do the Island Action chant

Are you ready?

Chant, chant,

Action chant.

Do the Island action chant!

Stand up! Sit down! (twice)

Look! Listen! (twice)

Point to the door! Touch the floor! (twice)

Close your eyes! Open your eyes!

Hands up! Hands down!

Do the Island action chant!


T: Learn and act the chant “Read, read, read …”

“Numbers puzzles”

T:  Microphone activity: Do you like pizza? Let’s play with you and do puzzles “Numbers”.

“Fitness” game

T: Stand up and make English clocks

T: Well done! It’s high time. Thank you very much. You know a lot about numbers. So, my dear friends learn English and Maths at school. It will help you everywhere.

T: Look and choose your smiley (faces). Sing a song to say goodbye.




 Позакласний захід для учнів 2-3 класів

Animals step by step




вчитель англійської мови

Олена Старощук

Мета: сприяти актуалізації мовного матеріалу, формуванню та розвитку мовленнєвих умінь та навичок, формувати ключові компетентності: здатність спілкуватися іноземною мовою, вільне володіння державною мовою, інформаційно-комунікаційну, соціальну, культурну, громадянську; виховувати любов до природи та розвивати почуття відповідальності за її збереження; підвищувати інтерес до вивчення мови.


-        відео супровід;

-        аудіо супровід;

-        презентація;

-        флеш картки


T: Good afternoon, dear friends!

Ps: Good afternoon!

T: Nice to see you again at our party.

Ps: Nice to see you too.

T: How’s life?

Ps: We’re good, we’re great, we’re wonderful.

T: Let’s practice the chants “Stand up straight” and “Read, read, read”

T: Today you’ll take part in the English party, sing E. songs, read, play games and have fun. Try and guess the topic of the party. Find out the right letters and put them into the empty cells. Use ABC poster: (on the board).















T: Now, we know our topic. Let’s meet Mr. Tongue and drill the letters and their sounds (a poster?). Well done! Let’s sing ABC song together.

Step 1: “A snowball” game.

T: Let’s revise the names of animals like a big snowball. (flash cards)

Step 2: Domestic or wild?

T: There are wild and domestic animals. They are mixed. Let’s divide them into two groups (online task?): https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pv418grz323

Step 3: Guessing games

T: Look and name the animals

T: I like riddles and you? Listen and guess the animal:

1.    It is a wild animal. It can climb the trees. It likes bananas very much.

 (a monkey).

2.    I am big and brown. I live in the forest. I like honey. I sleep in winter.

(a bear)

3.    It is a wild animal. It is red. It likes mice. It has a bushy tail.

(a fox)

4.    It is very big and grey. Its nose is long. Its tail is short.

(an elephant)

5.    It’s a dangerous animal. It lives in the rivers or lakes. It has sharp teeth and a long tail.

(s crocodile)

6.    It is a wild animal. It lives in the forest and hunt there. It has grey hair.

(a wolf)

7.    This animal lives in the jungle. It is fast and has a long tail. It has black and orange stripes.

(a tiger)

8.    It is a big farm animal. It eats grass. It gives us milk.

(a cow)

9.    It is on a farm. It has two long ears. It likes carrots.

(a rabbit)

10.  It is nice with two green eyes. It likes eating mice.

(a cat)

T: Let’s play a game. Read and guess: https://learningapps.org/view23488227

Step 4. Reciting

T: Meet our classmate with the poem about her pet.

(A girl recites a poem)

T: My cat is very clever. She can read. She can write. She can speak English too. She likes learning English and what about you? “Microphone” activity.

-        Do you like English?

-        Can you read?

Step 5: Reading

T: Read the tongue twisters (for the second form):


Step 6: Playtime

T: Let’s sing and dance (a video)

Step 7: Acting

T: Our cat is very mad.

     Pussy cat, pussy cat,

     Where have you been?

A cat: I’ve been to London

          To look at the King!

T: Pussy cat, pussy cat,

    What did you do there?

A cat: I frightened a little mouse under the chair.

T: Where is the mouse? (Mime: on/in/under the chair)

T: Little mouse, little mouse,

       Where is your house?

A mouse: I am a poor mouse. I have no house.

T: Little mouse, little mouse,

       Come to our house.

A mouse: I cannot do that. You want to eat me.

T: No, we won’t eat you. We’ll play with you.

Step 8: Do puzzles “Animals”

T:  Let’s play with you and do puzzles “Animals”

Step 9:  A game “In the room”

Ps: Now it’s the time for a merry play.

    No more lessons for today.

    One, two, three, look at me!

    I like my bunny.

    Bear likes honey.

    Girls like cats.

    Boys like rats.

T: Some pupils will play a game “In the room”. Put your toy on/in/under …

T: Well done! Thank you very much. You know a lot about animals. So, my dear friends, take care of them, feed them. Give them some water, play with them and have fun!

T: Look and choose your smiley. Sing a song “The more we get together”





2022-2023 н.р.

Відповідно до плану проведення тижневика іноземних мов у закладі

вчителем Старощук О.А. проведено онлайн гру

"ABC learners"

для учнів 2 класів

Комунальний заклад «Загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №36

Вінницької міської ради»






відкритого уроку

англійської мови

в 11 класі

в рамках проведення атестації

на тему:

« Jobs. Listening Comprehension »






                       вчитель англійської мови

                                 Старощук О.А.



2021 р.

Date: 26.10.2021                                                                                                           Form: 11

Topic: Jobs and professions

The theme of the lesson: Jobs. Listening Comprehension

Aims: сприяти актуалізації тематичного матеріалу, розвитку мовленнєвих умінь аудіювання і говоріння; відпрацювання алгоритму виконання тестових завдань у формі ЗНО.

Outcomes: на кінець уроку учні зможуть використовувати вивчений ММ у контексті, розумітимуть почуте, зможуть проаналізувати почуте/побачене та висловити власну думку.

The type of the lesson: урок розвитку мовленнєвих умінь

Equipment: PBs, proverbs, a video, a presentation, HO for Listening Comprehension


І. The beginning of the lesson                                                           

1. Greeting (T-Ps)

2. Presenting the theme of the lesson and the outcomes

T: Watch the video to predict the subtopic

3. Drilling (Presentation)

T: Let’s drill the words for jobs.

4. Warming-up

T: Agree or disagree with the proverbs and sayings about the topic:

So many people, so many jobs.

Like teacher, like pupil.

He works best who knows his trade.

Actions speak louder than words.

Live and learn.

No time like the present.

Every man is an architect of his own fortune.

Choose a job you like and you will never have to work a day in your life.

5. Lead in (“A hot chair” activity)

T: Present your paragraphs about summer jobs                                                                                              

ІІ. The main part

1. Vocabulary and grammar revision. Pre-listening talk

T: Present your ideas using some facts:

ü get to know aboriginal culture

ü fly over  beautiful landscape in a hot air balloon

ü eat traditional bushfoods

ü protect native  plants  and  animals

ü look at dinosaur fossils

ü talk  to  wallabies, play with dolphins and sunbathe with seals

ü go skiing

ü enjoy a firework display

ü write about the musical events

ü take photos and make videos about Australia

ü catch fresh seafood off the beautiful coast

ü learn all about making wine and beer

ü choose the best job in the world

Model: If I were in Australia, I’d …

2. While-listening activity (transcript)

T: Listen to the text for the first time and name the best jobs you’ve heard

3. Listening Comprehension

T: Fill in the gaps while listening for the second time:

1.  The organisation Tourism Australia is offering six jobs, for six _______________.

2.  If you want one of these jobs, you have to make a short _______________.

3.  The job of outback adventurer is for someone with a passion for _______________ life.

4.  Job number two is a park _______________ in Queensland.

5.  The wildlife caretaker job on Kangaroo Island is for someone who loves ____________ .

6.  If you’re not an outdoor person, the next job is for someone whose talents are in


7.  The taste master will need to _______________ about food as well as enjoy eating it.

8.  The final job is in _____________ .


T: Do this exercise while you listen. Put the job requirements with the correct job.

4. Post-listening discussion (“Choose your position”)

T: Think for a bit and chose your position. Present your thoughts about the best job for a gap year in Australia. Mind the plan:

Is having a gap year in Australia a good idea?

What job from the list would you like to do?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this particular job for you?


ІІІ. The final part

1. Home assignment

T: Write a paragraph “The best holiday job for a teenager” and present it.

2. Summarizing and marks











  заклад «Загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №36 Вінницької міської ради»






відкритого уроку

англійської мови

в 1-A класі

в рамках проведення атестації

на тему:

«Family. Naming family members»






                       вчитель англійської мови

                                 Старощук О.А.



2021 р.


Date: 11.10.21                                           Lesson 12                                           Form: 1A

Topic: I, my family and friends

The theme of the lesson: Family. Naming family members

Aims: сприяти формуванню в учнів правильної вимови звуків англійської мови та навичок аудіювання і говоріння; актуалізації лексичного матеріалу по темі; вихованню культури спілкування на уроці та засвоєнню класних правил.

Outcomes: на кінець уроку учні зможуть правильно називати членів родини; розуміти контекст та відповідати на запитання про родину; представляти членів своїх сімей.   

The type of the lesson: урок формування мовленнєвих навичок

Equipment: PBs, songs, a tongue twister, flash cards, a poster, toys


І. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting (T-Ps) with the video song(s) and outcomes

2. Phonetic drilling (T-Ps)

T: Greet Mr Tongue with the greeting song “Can you say …?”

T: Drill the tongue twister “Why do cry Willy?

T: Drill the names for family members using the photo of the family (flash card “Family photo”)

3. Lead-in activities

T: Watch and listen to the “Family song” and make Candy’s family album. (P1-P2 ……)


ІІ. The main part

1. Vocabulary revision of the family members

T: Let’s play with a brick and name a family member (T-P1; T-P2 ……….)

2. Introducing the patterns (T-Ps)

T: Look, listen and point (PB Ex.1, p. 18))

3. Oral practice

T: Look at the poster “My family” and answer the questions (T-P1; T-P2 ……….)

Model: Is this a …? – Yes, it is//No, it is not.

4. Physical exercises (T-Ps)

T: Do as I do:

Stand up, children! Sit down, children!

Up, up, up. Down, down, down. Up – down (3t.).

Stand up and sit down.

Hand up, hands down,

Hand to the sides, bend left, bend right. Stand straight.

One, two, three, hop. One two, three, stop.

Make your left foot: tap, tap, tap.

Make your right foot: tap, tap, tap.

Turn around: 1, 2, 3.

It is easy you can see.

Make your left hand: clap, clap, clap.

Make your right hand: clap, clap, clap.

Turn around: 1, 2, 3.

It is easy you can see.

Let’s count!

5. Playtime

T: Let’s play a game “BINGO” (HOs)

6. Project work

T: Draw the family members to present on the family tree while the teacher is singing a song.


ІІІ. The final part


T: What can you do now? Make a circle and say together:

Father, mother, sister, brother. Hand in hand with one another. We are a happy family.

T: I’m happy. I’m very happy with your results. Bye. See you soon !!!
























  заклад «Загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №36

Вінницької міської ради»










відкритого уроку

англійської мови

в 3 - А класі

на тему:

«Family rest»










                       вчитель англійської мови

                                 Старощук О.А.







2020 р.





Date: 09.11.20                                                                                                              Form: 3А

Topic: My home

The theme of the lesson: Family rest

Aims: сприяти формуванню мовленнєвих навичок говоріння, аудіювання і читання; формуванню мовних навичок при використанні нових лексичних одиниць та граматичних структур (“Where is/are …? – She/he is …/They are …); розвитку різних типів пам’яті; вихованню вмінь концентруватися та слухати інших; ситуації успіху.

Outcomes: на кінець уроку учні зможуть висловитися усно і на письмі про місце перебування родини та розуміти почуте/прочитане

The type of the lesson: урок формування мовних та мовленнєвих вмінь та навичок 

Equipment: PBs, WBs, a song, chants, a table “My family”, Flash cards


І. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting (T-Ps)

T: Good afternoon, kids. Glad to meet you at the lesson. How are you today?

T: Practice the chant “Stand up” to greet all the people.

2. Drilling

T: Let’s practice some of our sounds (sounds flash cards)

T: Let’s recite the chant “My family”:

I have got a mother.

I have got a father.

I have got a sister.

I have got a brother.


This is my mother.

This is my father.

This is my sister.

This is my brother.


I love my mother.

I love my father.

I love my sister.

I love my brother.


How is your mother?

She is fine.

How is your brother?

He is fine.

How is your sister?

She is fine.

How is your brother?

He is fine?

How are you? …………….


3. Warming-up

T: Let’s sing a song together: “Come and meet my family” Tracks13, 14

4. Presenting a topic


ІІ. The main part

1. Vocabulary revision (A list of words)

T: Fish for words: мама, батько, батьки, дідусь, бабуся, сестра, брат, кузен/кузина, тітка, дядько ……………

2. Oral work (A table “My Family”)

T: Look at Mary’s family. Say who they are to Mary.

Model: This is Mary’s …

T: Let’s look at your family trees. Tell about your family members:

Model: This is my …

3. Vocabulary work

T: Look and match the pictures with the key words:

The problem question: Where are they?

Key words: at the camp; in the village; at home; at school

4. Pre-listening

T: Open your books on page 34. Look and answer:

Who is this?

Where are they?

5. While-listening

T: Listen and say (PB Ex.1, p.34).

6. Post-listening practice

T:  Read and act out (PB Ex.2, p.34)

7. Physical activities

8. Writing practice

T: Prepare for your work (a song)

T: Write and answer (WB Ex.3, p. 27)

9. Speaking: “microphone exercise

T: Look and answer:


-         Where are they?

-         They are in/at …


ІІІ. The final part

1. Home assignment

T: WB Ex. 1, 2, p.26, повторити нові слова

2. Summarizing




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